I’m so jealous!

In the coming months, I am fortunate to have two different groups of guests who have booked a full month at the Clocktower Cottage in Duras. I’ve never even been able to do that. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just—TIME.

These folks clearly get it. They get that staying in one place for an extended vacation will afford them experiences that one would rarely have on a short stay. They will get to know the local merchants by name. They will learn all the different types of bread at the bakery and decide on a favorite. They’ll meet neighbors, have little chats, and see them time and time again as they run errands, stroll around town. They will be greeted with enthusiasm when they eat in the same restaurants for the second and third times. They may even get the regular customer discount on their lunch. They will discover a new lane, a new shop, a new village every day and then have plenty of time to revisit all their favorites. There won’t be any rushed days. No reason to hurry the stroll or the shopping excursion. A month affords the luxury of time to settle in and be part of the community. I can’t wait till I have my own month to feel such bliss.